UNBIDDEN : '' Slaughtering The Vile ''. Originally released on BOONSDALE RECORDS in 2010,  this album has since been released ( in limited supply ) by GORECYST , and has been made available for free download on TORNFLESH RECORDS. Unbidden is without a doubt one of my favorite bands that have ever been in the CAPE BRETON music '' scene ''.  I don't want to get too genre - specific with these guys, as they branch out into a few different leanings ,  but the sounds of DEATHMETAL and BLACKMETAL can deffinately be heard in this release.  UNBIDDEN is known mostly to the CAPE BRETON and HALIFAX area, but it is my personal opinion that these guys deserve more downloads from the rest of the world. UNBIDDEN has been quiet for quite some time now , but this EP still proves to be one of the greatest metal albums produced within CB Island.

I also suggest checking out some stuff by CERNUNNOUS, a one - man BM project emitted by Lorne of this band. Check it.


I have been sent a few HUMAN TRADE releases to review, but instead of reviewing them all, I have decided to just review my favorite. Released on TORNFLESH RECORDS ,  the split between HUMAN TRADE and PLASTIC BAG FACE MASK turns out to be quite the head - banger . I first heard about HUMAN TRADE from their (really) short split EP with Capitalist Casualties. HUMAN TRADE features the exact same level of grinding crust filled atrocity on this release as on that one, but there is a hell of alot more on this one. I can't fully explain the band PBFM , but I will go out on a limb and say that they are mixing aspects of GRIND and really obscure hardcore. With 18 tracks ( 13 HUMAN TRADE / 5 PLASTIC BAG FACE MASK ) this split album is sure to get your motor runnin'.

Check it out, folks! You know you wanna!

I also suggest that you freaks check out the split with HUMAN TRADE and POWER MONSTER. ( Power Monster is for fans of noise. I was smoking alot of weed while listening to this ,  and I think my brain imploded or something.)



Scrolling through the TFR bandcamp pages, I came across this Gem. With such a plain cover, I honestly was not expecting much, but I was very wrong. ''Stealth Toast '' by WASTE turned out to be quite the catchy little release. With 9 tracks, featuring a unique blend of Grind , Hardcore, and Power - Violence ,  ''Stealth Toast'' deffinately is deserving of a listen. The only way I can explain this band is if SIEGE raped the band '' HEAVY HEAVY LOW LOW '' .  ( The bastard child produced would then eventually become this band. )  I listened to this twice before reviewing it, and I am now listening to it a third time as I am typing this. It's good shit! People might get tired with how much I harp about the awesome-ness of TORNFLESH RECORDS , but with cool little albums like this released, you have to agree with me. ( That's right, motherfucker. I'm holding you at gun- point. )

Check this mess out. Now. Right now. ( Or I will have to yell at you over the inter-nets. ) I will also note that the intro to track 4 , ''Father to Father'' is really cool. (In fact, the whole song, while really short, is my favorite. ) Looking forward to hearing some more from this band in the future.


( Nice review of my band PROCTOPHOBIC I found on WWW.SERVILEINSURRECTION.COM )

Well, this came completely out of left field. There's
this new band called Proctophobic, and they bill themselves as playing
"blackened goregrind". Blackened goregrind. I thought I would never see those
two words paired together. This band has been playing since 2005 and they
released their new EP, Castrate The Sky, on Torn Flesh Records, the same label
that brought us one of my favorite albums, Gore Bash's "Gore Forever". Will they
hit two out of two? Let's find out!

After a somewhat slow start, we finally get to the
music, and I must say it's quite a fresh take on the goregrind genre. They take
your typical goregrind riffs and rhythms, then they mix it in with some black
metal, then they immerse it in a cloudy production, and then they put some black
metal rasps and goregrind gurgles on top of it. All of this is propped up with a
nicely-programmed drum machine.

The riffs may not be original, but at least they're
catchy and well-played. To me, these riffs sound like goregrind meat loaf baked
in a black metal oven. (Man, I need to quit doing food similes and metaphors.)
Another intriguing aspect would be the vocals. Is it just me, or are the vocals
double-layered? You have your standard black metal rasps and croaks on top, but
deep below that, you have some incredibly down-tuned gurgles.

The band also throws us for a loop with the song
"Tiamat's Womb". The song is completely acoustic. You can't get away with that
on a goregrind album, unless you were doing it as a joke. The acoustics on this
album are done with seriousness, and they manage to pull it off real well. This
song is very warm and melodic, a nice breather set in the middle of a
gore-filled battlefield. I wish more goregrind bands were this

This album was quite strange, so I had to listen to it a
couple times before I finally got used to it. I'm glad I did, because this album
is great. The best part is that the band has put up this EP as a free download,
so hurry up and download it you butt munchers!


This has to be the shortest E.P I have heard in quite some time. ( Clocking in at under 5 minutes total. ) The CAPITALIST CASUALTIES / HUMAN TRADE split E.P only features 4 short tracks , but it's definately worth checking out.  Capitalist Casualties chuck up the song DRAINAGE DITCH and a D.R.I cover. HUMAN TRADE kicks in with the songs '' A DRONE STRIKE FOR EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD '' ( Really sick song title ) and FUCKED UP NATION originally written by HELLNATION.  ( I've honestly never listened to HELLNATION, time to check them out. Thanks HUMAN TRADE! ) Featuring the styles of Grind and chaotic Punk Rock,  this Ep is a short blast into the past, reminding me of bands such as SIEGE, REPULSION, and early YACOPSAE.  Check this out on TORNFLESH!

Not much material on this download, but it was enough to give me the incentive to check out other material from these guys, so I'm glad I gave this piece A listen. Cheers, TFR, HUMAN TRADE and CAPITALIST CASUALTIES.